Celiac patients wanted (repeated request)

Two weeks ago we placed a message on this forum, requesting for celiac patients who would like to participate in our study.

A few of you already signed up, but we are still looking for more celiac patients, who are interested in co-operating in our study.
Co-operation only means filling in one questionnaire about how you have experienced the dietetic treatment.
In the message below you will find more detailed information about our study.
We hope we have made you enthousiastic and hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,
Agnes Berendsen and Macha van der Donk
4th year students Nutrition and Dietetics
Umea University, Sweden/ Han University, the Netherlands

We are two 4th-year students from the Netherlands and we're studying Nutrition and Dietetics at the HAN University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. At this moment we are living in Sweden to make our degree thesis. The main study question is:

What are the differences between the Netherlands and Sweden regarding the conveyance of information (both verbal as written) about the gluten-free diet during the dietetic treatment and whether this conveyance of information is adequate/ to the satisfaction seen from the perspective of the celiac patient. of celiac disease in the Netherlands and Sweden?

In short, we're looking for celiac patients who would like to coöperate in our study. You will be asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding the conveyance of information during the dietetic treatment. The same thing will be asked from Dutch celiac patients. The final aim of the study is to present recommendations so the dietetic treatment of celiac patients may be improved.

If you are interested and you would like to deliver a contribution to our study send us an e-mail to the following e-mail adres: [email protected]. Mention your name and e-mailadres and we will send you a questionnaire as soon as possible. The deadline for signing up is the 16th of March 2006.

Kind regards,

Agnes Berendsen en Macha van der Donk
4th year students Nutrition and Dietetics
HAN University Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Privacy Statement
We protect the privacy of our study subjects en do not provide any information to a third party. The information we get from you during the study will be treated confidentially and will only be used for the purposes described above.

Skriven av Agnes
Skrevs mars 2006

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